Resident evil 3.5 body install#
*After repairing a Generator for at least '''3 seconds''', press the ''Ability button'' to install a Trap, which stays active for '''35'''/'''40'''/'''45 seconds'''. When direct combat is not an option, you still find ways to strike back.Īfter repairing GeneratorsFile:IconHelpLoading generators.png|link=Generators|32px for a total of '''66 %''', ''Blast Mine'' activates: ''Eruption'' has a cool-down of '''30 seconds'''. * Any Survivor repairing a Generator when it explodes will scream and suffer from the '''''IncapacitatedFile:IconStatusEffects incapacitated.png|link=Incapacitated|32px''''' '''Status Effect''' for '''12'''/'''14'''/'''16 seconds'''. ** Applies an immediate '''6 %''' Progression penalty. * When you put a SurvivorFile:IconHelpLoading survivor.png|link=Survivor|32px into the Dying StateFile:IconHelp dying.png|link=Dying State|32px, every affected Generator explodes and starts regressing, removing the highlighted Aura. The NE-α parasite provides you with the intelligence and awareness needed to set a trap.Īfter kicking a GeneratorFile:IconHelpLoading generators.png|link=Generator|32px, its AuraFile:IconHelp auras.png|link=Aura|32px is highlighted in '''yellow'''. Zombies destroyed by Survivors respawn after 45 seconds. Zombies destroyed by The Nemesis respawn after 12 seconds.
Resident evil 3.5 body trial#
T-Virus causes 2 Zombies to spawn and roam about the Trial Grounds. Slightly increases (4.0 m/s (set new value)) Movement speed while charging Tentacle Strike.Slightly increases (+1 metre) Tentacle Strike range.Tentacle Strike can destroy Breakable Walls and Pallets.Vaccines can be found in Supply Cases located throughout the environment, but their number is limited to 4 Supply Cases.Īfter using a Vaccine, the Survivor's location is briefly revealed by Killer Instinct.

Survivors can cure Contamination by using a Vaccine on themselves or other Survivors. Survivors who become Contaminated suffer briefly from the Hindered Status Effect. It also will increase your Mutation Rate by the same amount as hitting a zombie. If a Survivor is already Contaminated, a Tentacle Strike will damage them.

Hitting a Survivor with a Tentacle Strike afflicts them with Contamination and increases your Mutation Rate. Once charged, tap the Attack button to unleash a Tentacle Strike.

Press and hold the Power button to charge an attack. Your Power expands as your Mutation Rate grows. Its effects heighten aggression and strength within The Nemesis. A virus that causes extreme mutations and can be transferred to others.